A circle has too much symmetry

Monday, June 06, 2005

Bootie Bumps!

I had a fun filled weekend that felt like it was going to last forever! Saturday evening I went to an open house at http://www.dcglassworks.com which was super cool. It might just be the geek in me, but I get a super kick out of watching the people blow glass there. The place also has a cool vibe. It is like; artist meets hippie meets grunge all rolled into one. Not to mention the scenery in not hard on the eyes, and I am not talking about the art either. Ms. Chung and I went there pretty early Saturday evening and I was having a great time, though it was a bit hot, but Ms. Chung was not having a good time and wanted out of there right away. Courtney says she looks for friends that can adapt and make the most out of any situation you happen to drag them to, and I agree. Besides it is not like there wasn’t plenty to do at http://www.dcglassworks.com. I left with Ms Chung and we ended up at Murphy’s where we were not drinking, not having fun and not looking at attractive scenery. Saturday was a complete bust!

Then Sunday at 6 am (that is right 6 am on Sunday!) I helped out a child of a friend of mine, by child sitting until 7pm! That’s right folks, people trusted me with their children, and not just for one hour, but for 12 hours. I did my best to corrupt them in the time I was given. I started with letting them (two girls, 11 and 12) put make-up on. The whole works too. Then I taught them some hip-hop dance moves, you know the standard hip rolls, chest rolls and bootie bumps. After awhile I realized this might get me in trouble, so I did what every normal responsible adult would do in the situation, and advised them to only do these moves at school and not at home. Finally at 7 pm the father returned and I was exhausted! I think this weekend will be filled with restaurants, wine and perhaps a few bootie bumps!


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