A circle has too much symmetry

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Deeper than the ocean

My friend M. just suggested that a certain man (let’s call him Berry), is secretly attracted to me and that is why he has been intentionally offending me lately. I tried to explain to M. that Berry can in no way possible be attracted to me. The reasons are purely physical but I am 8 inches taller and 40 lbs heavier than Berry. I mean he is a super small man, boy sized even, and there is no possible way that I would be attracted to him, so I imagine that the opposite it true. M. started talking about all the positive qualities I possess that Berry could be attracted to, besides my physical appearance. This line of reasoning from a man really shocked me, because (now correct me if I am wrong) men are the most superficial of the sexes. M. insisted that the male sex was not superficial and that I was being too superficial to which I replied I am the ocean (because I have so much depth) compared to men.


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