A circle has too much symmetry

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Not very smart

The baby is sweet but I don’t think she is very smart. Yesterday when I dropped her off at the puppy sitters, I was reminded of the fact that she is just not the brightest bulb on the strip. The sitters have a sloped front yard with a retaining wall to the driveway; the retaining wall varies from 4 feet high to about 6 inches. They also have a circular approach and yesterday Meadow and I came in from the rear of the house. As we walked around the side of the house, Meadow spied the sprinkler spouting water. Her favorite plaything in the world! Meadow took off for the sprinkler that was watering the front lawn. At ninety miles an hour she hit the sprinkler, skidded on the lawn and went sailing off the lawn unto the driveway, smack on her back.

I laughed so hard, it was all that I could do to make sure she was all right.

After shopping I picked her up and ninety miles an hour she came running to my vehicle only to smack right into the door. She wasn’t even fazed but I was surprised that she did not leave a dent in my door.


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