A circle has too much symmetry

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Bad Cop

I had to give my boss a ride home yesterday and I was pulled over on my way back to work. The conversation

Police man “There is a stop sign back there.”

Me “Yeah I know I stopped.”

Him “You didn’t stop.”

Me “I stopped”

Him “You know I can give you a ticket”

Me “Okay”

Him “Don’t tell me you stopped when you didn’t”

At this point I am in shock because I did stop and he is yelling at me, so I just smiled at him (my only defense mechanism).

Him “Stop from now on or I will give you a ticket next time”

Then he got in his car and left. I just sat there for a minute, and then I got pissed. Who the hell did he think he was yelling at me like that, besides I did stop? It is not my fault that he did not see it. He scared me, and that is not fair. I wish I would have yelled at him but instead I was intimidated. When did we give our public servants so much power over the public?


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    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 12:00 PM  

  • Did you get a ticket?

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 12:01 PM  

  • Since they've had the ability to slap us with unreasonably high priced tickets. Bastard!

    By Blogger Michelle, at 12:53 PM  

  • Well I have yet to get a ticket. I can charm my way out of them, but I can't be charming when I have not done anything wrong.

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 2:42 PM  

  • I wonder what look on his face he would have had if you had replied "You stop it. I did stop, too."

    Abuse of power, that's what that was. Suckers!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:45 PM  

  • Abuse of power is right.

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 1:27 PM  

  • Your post made me laugh, especially the last part where, after letting it marinate, you got pissed off. That is totally what I would have done too.

    Power = Bad, no matter which way you slice it!

    Damn cops are only out there to serve and protect certain people (i.e. affluent whitie), his property, under his agenda. Buncha power-hungry crooks, all of 'em!

    By Blogger labottomme, at 4:56 AM  

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