A circle has too much symmetry

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

How to make a woman feel special

I have recently run across a bizarre mentality among men, they seem to think all women are gold diggers. I don’t know where this comes from; maybe it is just the women that they meet. I am a professional woman and all of my friends are professionals and perhaps this is why I don’t see the gold digger aspect that men complain about. If I want a fancy dinner, I will go to one; I can afford it and I don’t need a man to buy it for me. This is true of all my friends too, what we do need is to be romanced. This does not require a man to spend a lot of money, but it does require some thought and time. A man can initially substitute spending a lot of money for romance, and I think this might be where the confusion lies. What all women want is to feel special, and we like men to help us feel that way. So to all you men out there, the following is a list of ways to make a woman feel special without breaking the bank.

1. Listen to her.

2. Remember the names of the important people in her life.

3. Do not act like the ONLY thing you are interested in is sex

4. Buy her little things when stopping at the gas station

5. Always say yes to the guy selling flowers in Adams Morgan

6. Plan a special event, that involves a lot of thought like a picnic in the park

7. Watch her favorite TV shows with her, even if it is Gilmore Girls and don’t make fun of it while watching

8. Like her cat/dog

9. Always dress to impress her

10. Volunteer to go everywhere with her, even to the grocery store

11. Have her favorite snack/drink on hand in your place

12. Write her a poem, or at least send her one that reminds you of her

13. Appreciate the music she listens too, and the books she reads

14. Compliment her, but on the things that don’t normally get compliments, examples; her laugh, her bone structure, her shoes, her intelligence and knowledge

15. Go out of your way to introduce her to your friends

16. Take her somewhere or do something that only she wants to do

17. Listen to her bitch about the same thing forever, and don’t try to fix it or her

18. Just grab her hand or put your arm around her as you are walking down the street or sitting near each other

19. When you are out and she is not having a good time, take her home in the middle of party or night of drinking even when you are having a blast

20. Sometimes just a quick touch to her face or arm makes her feel special

21. Be supportive of the things she likes to do, for example attend her football games

22. Cook for her

23. Pick up after yourself when you are at her place

24. Use words like captivating and enchanting when describing her

25. Send flowers to her work place

26. Hold the door open for her

27. Random calls, just to say you have been thinking of her

28. Hug her the first time you see her in the day

29. Know exactly what kind of coffee she likes.

30. Offer your jacket when she is cold, even if you are cold too.


  • I don't know, if someone called me captivating and enchanting, I might think they were sort of dorky ... but that's just me! :)

    By Blogger SVM, at 11:13 AM  

  • Being surrounded by the F and Gs tends to make one dorky

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 11:51 AM  

  • Sounds like too complicated to please a woman! Are we really supposed to do all those things or is it only guidelines?
    I would be very surprised if you find a "man" doing the third of what you've written.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:43 PM  

  • No, it is just a suggestions! Only a few of them are needed to make a woman feel special. If a man did all those things, he would have to be an alien! No man is that good!

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 12:46 PM  

  • Last Call - I was trying for in your face, but subtle works too.

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 9:14 AM  

  • Nice guys never get laid. Your advice seems to be what women want in a friend, not a lover.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:42 PM  

  • Rocketman: You couldn't be more wrong. Just ask Jean-Marc!


    By Blogger SVM, at 12:53 PM  

  • Chit Chat Man- This attitude came from a late 20s guy.

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 5:18 PM  

  • what would you do to a woman who left you without any explainantion???

    By Blogger dilshanfarook, at 9:13 AM  

  • Dilli's,

    You can always ask her why she felt but I am certain it was because you no longer made her feel special.

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 10:22 AM  

  • I'm in a relationship which is nearly 1yr old, she has never asked me to make her feel special but moans that i never buy her anything. we are both 23. GOLD DIGGER! Mentality my arse, its what sort of girl/woman you hook up with that matters.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:30 PM  

  • hey ima just say that, i do all this sorta stuff for my girl and im 14. its not an age thing, moreover of attitude, admittedly im sort of mature for my age but i think no matter what age you or your partner is, it is mandatory that you show that you care. i think this "guide" is 110% right and alot of guys really need to pull their socks up.. (forgive the cheesy expression)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:28 PM  

  • Well.. always do this things.. i know they work.. I don't care if it's dorky or corny or whatever other people thinks or say about it.. I will do anything to make my girl happy.. the only problem is.. some girls just wants fresh things.. they want something new most of the time... not always but most of the time.. So I suggest to add more things to this great list for the future.. This entry is much appreciated.. Thank you.. ^_^

    By Blogger MD, at 10:16 AM  

  • by the way my girl and I are already on our &th year of being in a steady relationship and we're still at it.. until now.. So In terms of experience I believe i am qualified enough to give a reasonable comment about this.. thanks again.. ^_^

    By Blogger MD, at 10:22 AM  

  • i meant 7th year sorry..

    By Blogger MD, at 10:24 AM  

  • What if there would come a time that the man would be the one who'll look for this in women? what would women do? O_o

    By Blogger MD, at 10:38 AM  

  • Mark,

    Just for you we are making another list and a list of what men want to feel special is being considered.

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 11:41 PM  

  • We have only been dating for 2 months and she seems to think that my daughters mom is still my everything, in which she was but not no longer, no matter what my daughters mom will always be around but she is no longer the lady for me!!! What i have on my plate is much healther in many ways!!! the problem is shes not feeling wanted! i myself do all these things plus some others and before i lose a great thing could you maby give me some pointers?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:15 AM  

  • Although this is a article from a worldly standpoint, I am a Christian and I have been married for 16 years and have found that I am doing everything this list states except going drinking etc... and my wife is daily shocked and amazed at my love for her.

    I found this article as a result of looking for new ways to make my wife feel like she is the only person around when I am with her. Do what this article states and you will be guaranteed to have a great relationship.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:42 PM  

  • This article makes me think. It makes me wonder if love is materialistic? The answer is no but, doing these things does help. What I am trying to say doing these things helps but also find someone who loves "YOU".

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:07 PM  

  • I am 22 and i do many of the things on the list naturally because i love my girl and it works she tells me she loves me everyday and said no one has ever made her feel this way. But the point i think is if you dont do this naturally perhaps it's just not who you are and the girl should love you for you and if she doesn't understand that perhaps she is not the one for you. However the list works but dont change yourself because of it just try to make some of the points the norm for you.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:48 PM  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:27 AM  

  • i do everything you have written down there atleast once a week and still the girl i have been with for 6 years and love to death is a crazy woman she never appricates me and always is in a bad mood. want to tell me why none of it worked.

    By Anonymous joe, at 9:10 PM  

  • Amy is the most wonderful girl and more than anything I want to make her happy.

    By Blogger wayno52, at 5:04 PM  

  • just surprise her once in a while is good :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:29 PM  

  • I feel like I do most of what is on the list but it doesn't seem to get through. Like bullets bouncing off of Superman's chest. She says other men in her life had made her feel special but that "something is missing" with me. I do keep trying but it seems like it's too little too late. We'll be married for 3 years this August and I really want her to know she's the most special person in the world to me. Help!

    By Anonymous Bob, at 8:46 AM  

  • Well,gee! At the risk of sounding "balanced", where is the
    instruction list for women to make
    guys feel special? Oh, it does
    not apply to women.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:42 AM  

  • For those of you who are having problems, i wish you luck. you might want to try keeping a good balance of being macho nd feminine.. If she seems upset then run to her n stay awake all night if that's what it takes.. Reminisce with ur partner on good times... Try thinking back to when you met ur partner n tell her how u felt n try remembering what she was wearing, think back to when u first made love and be as lovey dovey as possible.. Other than all this, know when to be a man and put ur foot down! Last but not least allow her to have a say in little things u might be thinking of doing/buying.. If this doesn't make sense then it's coz i'm half asleep! Hope this helps.

    By Anonymous A786, at 9:59 PM  

  • Too hard for some.. You can go find a woman you like more, a woman you first think you might not get and you'll do everything to get and keep her.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:51 AM  

  • Useful information about Making a GIRL FEEL SPECIAL

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:21 PM  

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