Popularity Contests
It is amusing how when decades removed from high school people still acted like they are in high school. Whenever you get a small group of people (scientists) get it always turns into a popularity contest.
This morning I had a meeting with my fellow scientists, there were a total of 18 people present and I was the only woman in attendance. I know big shocker there. I arrived a few minutes early into the conference room where there are approximately 45 chairs. I was the 4th person to arrive and promptly sat down in the second row with an empty chair on each side of me. As each scientist walked through the door they expectantly looked around for a group of friends (or at least a friend) to hale them welcome and of course beckon them over. Of course the scientist that were already seated looked up hoping someone, anyone, wants to sit with them. Slowly the room filled up and everyone was sitting in their own little isolated place, except for me. Now I am not saying I won the popularity contest, but I am a curious observer of the human condition. How it is possible after all these years these grown men still have the mentality of high school students at lunch looking for friends?
And how is it possible after all these years, even among their peers, they still don't have any friends?
I guess I am not that young or arrogant, I was a little off center.
Spin_Doc1, at 4:32 PM
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