A circle has too much symmetry

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Too much girl

I started playing floor hockey two weeks ago and I love it! The first game I played right wing, not really sure where this position was I needed a lot of help from the other players. Fortunately our opponents were very helpful with this too, and I took full advantage of their help. In fact I talked so much smack during that game that one of the players threatened to report me to the ref. Now you really can’t get in trouble for saying, “I like your big stick.” right???? The player I was talking smack to missed his next shot, and we won that game. Sunday I played my second game, and I played left wing. I still do not know what I am doing but it is one heck of workout. During Sunday’s game I ended up in the corner with another player fighting over the ball and she elbowed me in the face! I knew she did it on purpose, and I was stunned. Not only did I hurt, and it still hurts, no one has ever hit me in my face. I am a girl! I have never been in a fight. She did it to say back off, and I did. It intimidated me, and even though I did not get in that situation the rest of the game, I can’t help but wonder if I did; would I have backed down? Now I know you need to be aggressive to play hockey. If it was a man I was battling for control of the ball I would not hesitate to be aggressive, but fighting with a woman and being elbowed in the face by her really threw me. Maybe I don’t have it in me to play hockey. Our maybe I should not be such a girl?


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