A circle has too much symmetry

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I hate this place

I hate this place, but more than that I hate this place I hate the people, but more than I hate the people I hate the look in their eyes. By Lamont Carey

List of pet peeves about this place and the people:

  1. Pointing with their middle finger
  2. Meetings during lunch
  3. Eating with their mouth open
  4. Picking face or body parts while talking to me
  5. Touching their mouths while speaking
  6. Fidgeting while seating next to me during a meeting
  7. Fidgeting while talking to me
  8. Talking out of the side of their mouths
  9. Looking at their feet
  10. Long nose or ear hair
  11. Comb-overs
  12. Playing with facial hair during meetings
  13. Bad Breath
  14. Slow learners
  15. Taking forever to get to the point
  16. Giggling keys or coins in their pockets while giving talks
  17. Making clicking noises with pens
  18. Marathon meetings where nothing is accomplished
  19. Unibrows
  20. Not taking a daily shower or bath


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