I wish there was a gum to quit you
I smoked for 16 years, and 8 years after I started I wanted to quit. I tried going cold turkey but that really did not work. A few years later and 10 pounds heavier I tried the patch. I made it until I took the patch off. A year later and another 10 pounds heavier I tried the drug Zyban. Which was too much drug for me, and I was still a smoker. A few months after that I tried the patch again, and did not make it a second after the nicotine was out of my system. A few months after that and a total of 30 pounds heavier I tried the throat lozenges. I was still a smoker and a fat one at that. Finally I tried the gum, and I quit. I succeed with the gum where I failed all the other attempts. I didn’t gain any weight, in fact I lost weight.
I really wanted to quit all those other times. I was surrounded by non-smokers. I was embarrassed that I smoked. I would hide that I smoked from my co-workers and friends. Only the people close to me knew I was a smoker but it took the gum to finally quit. And now I wish there was a gum to stop you.
I wish there was a gum for loneliness. I wish there was a gum that would stop me from thinking about you. I wish there was a gum to stop me from calling you, and a gum to not answer when you call. I wish there was a gum to not email you or reply to the ones you send me. I wish there was a gum to stop me from looking for your car. I wish there was a gum to stop me from caring about you. I wish there was a gum to take away the pain. I wish there was a gum to quit you.
There is nothing short of turing cold that can stop the heart from feeling.
One of my favorite quotes is a line in the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes". "The heart might be broken, but it goes right on beating anyway."
And that my friend is the rub, no gum, no antidote, no words will quit your heart. Only time...
Michelle, at 11:29 AM
Naive, thank you. I keep telling myself there are worse things than a broken heart but it still hurts.
Spin_Doc1, at 1:24 PM
if you ever find a remedy, pass it on.
ditto on naive's hugs.
i used to be me, at 2:31 PM
Genius, if I find a remedy I going market it and make a fortune.
Spin_Doc1, at 3:41 PM
ok but remember your friends with freebies :D
i used to be me, at 9:23 PM
i could have written this post not too long ago. like you, i went through a pretty devastating heart break and never thought i would be a whole person again. like you, i wished i had some kind of drug that would take "him" away from my thoughts. ever seen that move "the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind"? the premise of this movie is about a guy who goes through this program of "getting rid" of memories of his ex-girlfriend because they were so painful for him. if only it were that easy. my "drug", or in your case, "gum", was running. i used it as my way to "escape".
i wish there was something that could do to take the pain away, but all i can say is that time does heal all wounds. i can't say how long it will take, but your heart will heal. mine did.
Joy, at 11:36 PM
I'm sorry to know that you're hurting. You know this is surviveable, but until you get through it, it totally sucks.
Pamper yourself and do lots of things that used to make you happy. Take all the hugs you can get until they start to make you feel warm again ... lots of hugs coming from me.
Oh, and if it helps to beat someone up, I think AC is going to be around today.
Theresa, at 7:42 AM
Genius, I would never forget my friends.. You guys make me feel better.
Joy, I guess I need to up the miles I am running each week.
Theresa, I will keep AC in mind...
Everyone, thank you for your hugs! They are much appreciated.
Spin_Doc1, at 9:36 AM
Spin, your last paragraph was beautifully written. It really touched me.
I know it hurts so much at the moment, but you will find that with each passing day it's your new life, rather than some magic gum, that makes everything seem better. Concentrate on moving forward rather than looking back for any reason other than marvelling at how far you've come on your journey.
Take care. xxx
Imelda, at 4:43 AM
Imelda, at times it is hard to look forward, all the stuff in the past clouds my vision, but I will try.
Spin_Doc1, at 9:17 AM
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