A circle has too much symmetry

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The flavor of my blog has changed over the years. I can no longer write about work because I actually like my job and would hate to be fired for the contents of my blog. At my job from hell I secretly wished my blog would be discovered and all those people would know what I really thought about them (I did like a few of my co-workers). It was trying to be so fake for so long! At my current workplace I am actually not nearly as nice as I was in the job from hell but now I am honest.

I also can no longer write about my personal life because my blog is not so anonymous anymore, which is my fault. I can not keep a secret, especially one of my own. So all I have left to write about is my daily comings and goings and my family. Now my family is always entertaining.

My parents are brother and sister, that by the way is the opening line to my memoirs, step-siblings but siblings nonetheless. I love the shock effect of that statement on people, so I tell everyone, I can’t change it so I might as well embrace that fact that my parents ARE brother and sister. In early 197X my grandparents were married and my father a then 15-year-old boy soon to be 16 moved into their new home. My mother was then 21 and soon to be 22. Yes my mother is 6 years and 6 days older than my father. Now all of this information is accurate and can be gleamed from marriage records and such. The next bit in the timeline is left to whom you believe my mother or my father. Now according to my father my mother immediately started a sexual relationship with my father. This relationship was based on coercion and amounted to statuary rape in my father’s eyes. My mother will tell the story that the sexual relationship was mutual and did not start until my father was 17. The overwhelming fact in this story is that I was born three months before my father turned 19. So yes he was a daddy at 18 and if you do the math (which I have done) my mother became pregnant when my father was still in high school. So if the relationship started when my father was 15 or 17 is yours to judge.

My parents married and then divorced after a few years. It took many years for my father to stop loving my mother but when he finally did it should surprise no one that my parents hate each other and have never tried to hide this fact from anyone including myself. Also both my parents are extremely disturbed, but I am not going to try to label them or diagnosis them or even make excuses for them I will just let their actions speak for them.


  • I started another blog for the super secret stuff after my daughter found my old one.

    By Blogger i used to be me, at 2:57 PM  

  • Genius,

    I did too! I have not had any hints on it either.

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 3:01 PM  

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