A circle has too much symmetry

Thursday, July 26, 2007

It is time to find a new hiding spot

My blog is a web log; a log of my random thoughts, feelings and life occurrences. It is not a forum to keep up with friends and family. It is not a forum to organize socially activities. It is not a forum to meet people though I do appreciate most people I have met while blogging. It is a forum for me to share my thoughts and feelings in an anonymous and safe atmosphere. Unfortunately people in my life can not respect me or my blog. They have come sneaking into my bedroom, searched my belongings for the sole purpose of finding and reading my diary. Therefore it is time to find a new hiding place. It is also time to find people who respect me and my blog.

I am saying goodbye for now to this blog. To all my blog land friends; you will be sorely missed.


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