A circle has too much symmetry

Thursday, November 17, 2005

A entry from the Lawyer

I just received the following email from the Lawyer

The people I work with are not as bad as the people you
work with, but I feltkind of sorry for one of my lab
mates today. So instead of waiting for my friends
to get out of the physics seminar and eating lunch
with them I went to lunch with one of the most obnoxious
grad students I have ever had the misfortune to work
with.  I invite him to join me and he brings papers to

read... then as we are walking over there he says he
didn't bring them to read, just to admire and show off.
turns out they were some he wrote awhile ago.  It

was such a I want to prove how good I am moment
I wanted to just tell him I

wasn't hungry and go back to the lab.

Oh well.

Hope your day is better than mine.

Unfortunately my day is not better,
but it is going to get better.  
We made the playoffs, and tonight is our first playoff game!


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