The M. Man
Oh no! I have a really bad feeling about the new guy (the m. man) here at work. He just arrived today and I have only briefly interacted with him but my impression is bad. I got the distinct impression that he felt I was equivalent to a secretary. He asked me for some help with adding comments to a word document, and I no problem helping a co-worker but there was something a little off with the whole thing. My title and position is higher than his, but I am not directly over him. He has just left the military; in fact he was not far removed from my last job. The job from hell, where there were no women or minorities and I had the boss and work environment from hell!
I know I will be able to handle it, if he treats me like I don’t belong in the workplace and should be home barefoot and pregnant, BUT I long for the day when women and minorities are fairly represented in the workplace. I long for the day when the mentality of society changes and encourages women to succeed in the science and engineering fields. AND I really long for the day when I walk into a meeting where I am unknown and the attendees don’t assume I am the secretary. I also long for the Christmas party in the future and not one of the spouses asks me whose secretary I am (not that there is anything wrong with being a secretary). I couldn’t do my job efficiently without my Administrative Assistant.
On the bright side I am going out of town for the next couple days and I will not be where I can blog. In fact I won’t be near electricity, running water or civilization. I am going camping! I promised to bring a camera along for the ride and might post some pictures of the trip.
I know I will be able to handle it, if he treats me like I don’t belong in the workplace and should be home barefoot and pregnant, BUT I long for the day when women and minorities are fairly represented in the workplace. I long for the day when the mentality of society changes and encourages women to succeed in the science and engineering fields. AND I really long for the day when I walk into a meeting where I am unknown and the attendees don’t assume I am the secretary. I also long for the Christmas party in the future and not one of the spouses asks me whose secretary I am (not that there is anything wrong with being a secretary). I couldn’t do my job efficiently without my Administrative Assistant.
On the bright side I am going out of town for the next couple days and I will not be where I can blog. In fact I won’t be near electricity, running water or civilization. I am going camping! I promised to bring a camera along for the ride and might post some pictures of the trip.
Spinner I'm going camping this weekend too!!! :)
Joy, at 8:23 PM
Have fun, be safe...I'm looking foward to seeing the pictures.
i used to be me, at 9:50 PM
You have a great time camping. Bring back a fire stick and poke that guy in the eye with it if he's still being a jackass when you get back.
ZooooM, at 1:53 AM
Spin, we have definitely walked in very similar shoes work-wise. I don't think things are going to change in a hurry, but if it's any consolation, the situation is better now than it was in the 80s and early 90s. One day over a drink or 2 I'll tell you some sexism tales that will make you shake your head with disbelief.
Hang in there, sistah... and for every time he treats you like a secretary, find a way to do the same to him in return. With a pleasant smile.
Imelda, at 8:54 AM
That is a nightmare. What you need to do next is shout "drop and give me twenty soldier!" He'll do it automatically - part of his training - and form then on he'll know his place.
The Dog of Freetown, at 8:09 AM
I hope you had as much fun as I did!
The camera still has about 12 pics left, and it is anyone's guess when I will actually finish off the roll.
I have given up that monkey...
I look forward to a drink or 2 with you!
I wish I had the guts to try it!
Spin_Doc1, at 11:31 AM
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