I have noticed a common theme in the books I have read recently, the main character is tormented by a personal secret that they believe they can’t share. The secret ends up destroying them. I have a really hard time with this concept, it is not someone else’s secret they are keeping, and it is their own secret. I cannot keep my own secrets to safe my life, and I don’t think I am unique in this. I can keep other people’s secret, but not my own. If I fall for someone, even if it is someone I shouldn’t I can’t keep it too myself for every long. In fact it is usually less than a week before I tell someone. If I am feeling afraid or insecure, it is off my chest the second I talked to a friend. Any personal secret I have is fast off the lips and I have never been able to keep my own secrets.
The idea that someone could keep a personal secret, a personal fear, desire, love interest, want; to themselves just amazes me. I am not wired that way and I don’t think most people are. I think authors miss that most people do not keep their own secrets. Sure I am still tormented by my personal secrets but within a finite amount of time I share that secret with someone; usually someone I deem completely trustworthy. Am I wrong in this thought? Dear Readers do you keep your own secrets or are you like me and share them with someone almost immediately?
The idea that someone could keep a personal secret, a personal fear, desire, love interest, want; to themselves just amazes me. I am not wired that way and I don’t think most people are. I think authors miss that most people do not keep their own secrets. Sure I am still tormented by my personal secrets but within a finite amount of time I share that secret with someone; usually someone I deem completely trustworthy. Am I wrong in this thought? Dear Readers do you keep your own secrets or are you like me and share them with someone almost immediately?
good for you -- your lack of secret-keeping probably makes you a very open person to be around.
some of us do keep secrets, ones we've not ever shared with others for whatever reason. i think when the secret is yours alone and doesn't influence/involve anyone else, it's easier to keep it to yourself without feeling like you're "holding back".
Anonymous, at 6:51 AM
it depends on the secret.
i used to be me, at 9:34 AM
I think it does depend on the secret, and the people/person involved.
Before I met Mr. Zoom, I kept secrets. Nothing that would ever endanger the well being of another person - but things that were mine. My expereinces. My facts. I struggled often with whether they should come out or not.
When I met Mr. Zoom, all of that evaporated. We made a deal to always tell the truth - even if in a particular situation it looked really really bad. We promised to withold judgment of each other until we could talk it out.
So far it's worked really well for me, at least. There's nothing I do or say or have done or said that he can't or doesn't already know about.
I like not having secrets. I think I can now honestly say I've been on both sides of this fence.
ZooooM, at 10:54 AM
I think when it doesn't involve someone else it is harder to keep because the only one you are hurting is yourself.
True, some I keep longer than others.
It is a wonderful feeling being with someone who truly "knows" you and still loves you!
Spin_Doc1, at 3:57 PM
I think you're right on the money. I'm all about sharing my business with everybody. I guess that's why I blog. I can think of exactly one thing that I've kept secret from absolutely everybody for years.
Unknown, at 5:13 PM
I knew it!! It is not just me. Though in the book I am reading the main character just shared his secret with someone.
Spin_Doc1, at 5:56 PM
It's like undressing yourself in front of someone and the uncertainty of whether or not they will still love you inspite of your flaws. You are a brave one Spinner.
Joy, at 9:37 PM
The thing about undressing in front of someone is your are naked in front of them AND they get to play with you. They don't care about anything else, so go ahead and take it all off!
Spin_Doc1, at 11:51 AM
I never could keep things about myself to myself either, until lately. But I prefer to, it's not a torment. Ironically, the main character in the book I'm working on is dealing with how and when to tell her secret.
Michelle, at 3:40 PM
Wow, I could never tell my biggest secret. I will take it to the grave with me. I've managed to keep it for 16 years so far so good.
Samantha, at 12:59 PM
I really need to learn how!
As long as it doesn't torment you, keep it!
Spin_Doc1, at 2:17 PM
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