About a year ago I discovered leg waxing. Well I didn’t actually discover it but I did try it for the first time, and I have been hooked ever since. For the record, it really hurts! Not just a little bit either it hurts a lot! The end results are totally worth it. I get my legs waxed every 5 weeks and I don’t even think about a razor or pantyhose in between. My legs looked so good after the wax it is so worth the pain. Though every time I get my legs waxed I claim I am never going to do it again, in fact I repeat to myself that it is not worth it during the process. Five short weeks later I get it done again because in reality it is worth the pain.
The first time I had my legs waxed a Vietnamese women who did not speak a lot of English performed the wax. When she ripped off the first section of wax I shot up from the table and yelled “Mother F**ker!” She understood that word. I was embarrassed but it hurt so much I had a hard time keeping the swearing under control. Each subsequent waxing is accompanied by a few choice phrases but nothing as bad as that first time.
I also get an entire leg wax, including the bikini area, and they touch your stuff. Not in a sexual way but in a very business like way. The first time it happened I was in shock! The same Vietnamese woman put her hand on my stuff and kind of held it out of the way while she waxed my bikini area. I could not stop thinking, “She is touching my stuff!” Her entire hand was touching my stuff. Of course all sorts of non-appropriate thoughts shot through my tormented brain. “Am I turned on?” and “Is she turned on?” Now I am used to this but the first time was a shock in many respects.
When I moved to the middle of BFE I was pleased to discover a woman who does waxing. She does a great job and is very affordable. She thinks my choice phrases are amusing and she talks to me the whole time about town gossip. I really enjoy talking with her. Tonight I am going to get my legs waxed and yes she touches my stuff too.
The first time I had my legs waxed a Vietnamese women who did not speak a lot of English performed the wax. When she ripped off the first section of wax I shot up from the table and yelled “Mother F**ker!” She understood that word. I was embarrassed but it hurt so much I had a hard time keeping the swearing under control. Each subsequent waxing is accompanied by a few choice phrases but nothing as bad as that first time.
I also get an entire leg wax, including the bikini area, and they touch your stuff. Not in a sexual way but in a very business like way. The first time it happened I was in shock! The same Vietnamese woman put her hand on my stuff and kind of held it out of the way while she waxed my bikini area. I could not stop thinking, “She is touching my stuff!” Her entire hand was touching my stuff. Of course all sorts of non-appropriate thoughts shot through my tormented brain. “Am I turned on?” and “Is she turned on?” Now I am used to this but the first time was a shock in many respects.
When I moved to the middle of BFE I was pleased to discover a woman who does waxing. She does a great job and is very affordable. She thinks my choice phrases are amusing and she talks to me the whole time about town gossip. I really enjoy talking with her. Tonight I am going to get my legs waxed and yes she touches my stuff too.
Touches your "stuff" huh? You are way to funny Spinner!
I've been contemplating doing the wax thing myself, but unfortunately I have a low tolerance for pain. (This coming from someone who likes to gets their eyebrows threaded). Maybe I'll brave it next weekend. :D lv
Joy, at 9:26 PM
I've used an epilady for years on my legs. It hurt like hell in the beginning but now it barely registers.
i used to be me, at 8:55 AM
I have the lowest on the planet! And still it is worth it.
I keep hoping I will get used to the pain, but no such luck yet.
Spin_Doc1, at 3:04 PM
In response to your question on my blog - I thought replying here would be quicker - I haven't heard of that, at least how you've put it. It's always been my experience that you can get an equity loan on any property as long as there is enough equity. Typically, the banks want there to be 20% equity after the new loan is in place. However, the interest rate for pulling cash out and it being a rental will be higher, but if this is an owner occupied, it shouldn't affect it.
Tell your friend not to go to a local bank, but instead search for a mortgage broker who can shop the loan across the country. That might require refinancing the whole thing and pulling money out rather than just getting a line of credit on the existing equity. Same diff in the long run.
Hope that helps.
I miss talking with you, but I'll be home for a few days this weekend.
Michelle, at 5:07 PM
I will forward on the information, Thanks!!
Spin_Doc1, at 7:45 PM
Spin - I've been getting my legs and underarms waxed for about 15 years now, and a Brazilian (everything around the stuff, apart from a tiny triangle over the pubic bone, so I don't look like a teenager) for about 2 years. I'd never go back to shaving.
The pain does eventually die down quite a bit. I do my own underarms and barely feel it, even though I have a very low pain threshold.
The Brazilian hurt a lot at first, but it's pretty low key pain now. I also feel a bit conflicted when all the touching of my stuff is a bit of a turn-on, even though I'm not even remotely turned-on by the waxer herself. And believe me when I say that there is a lot of stuff touching with a Brazilian, as well as a lot of leg positions that not even my lovers have seen me in!
If you haven't ventured past a bikini wax to a Brazilian, you've got to give it a try. It makes intimate moments extra sensitive (and pleasurable)!
Imelda, at 2:29 PM
Baby Steps!! I will have to give it a while longer before I am willing to try anything more painful.
Spin_Doc1, at 10:55 AM
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