A circle has too much symmetry

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hottie on the Plane

As you might have guessed I loved my trip to the Ukraine. It was such an adventure and different from every other place I have traveled. The trip started off rather pleasantly too. I was sitting in the center aisle seat; a young major was seating next to me and on the other side was my “frail” co-worker. I say frail because that was how she was described to me, but in reality she is a hard-core climber/back-packer and a fabulous scientist. She is also a competitive speed walker. Ms Frail and I had been introduced that day and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I really, really liked her. Enter our poor Major on his way to Turkey, he was a hottie too. I teased and flirted with him the entire trip, though I received as much as I was given. Ms. Frail added a quip or two during the flight. We were carrying on and having such a great time that members of his squadron kept stopping by to join the fun. The squadron’s ranking NCO even asked passengers to swap seats with him so he could sit next to us. We were the place to be on that flight, unless you wanted to sleep... Oh well how often does one get to sit next to a hottie on a plane?


  • So, why in the world would someone have described her as "frail?"

    Glad you enjoyed the trip. Glad there was flirting.

    By Blogger Izzybella, at 3:42 PM  

  • Men over a certain age judge more on looks and less on ability.

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 5:47 PM  

  • I love men in uniform! :)

    By Blogger chesneygirl, at 11:59 AM  

  • Chesney Girl,

    I am right there with you, except police officers (too many speeding tickets).

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 2:59 PM  

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