A circle has too much symmetry

Monday, March 12, 2007

Tubing with Sara

This weekend Sara was here and it was great to have her! She is my shopping friend. I have friend I go dancing with, friends I drink with and of course I shop with other friends but I “connect” with Sara’s shopping style. We both like the same stores, we both like to shop the sales and we both spend a lot of money when we shop.

BUT before we went shopping we went tubing. I took Sara to my mountain where they have a tubing hill, with tubes for rent and a tow rope up the mountain (the tubing track is in the lower portion of the picture). I had seen the hill from one of the chair lifts from afar but this was my first experience up close and personal with the hill.

We arrived at the mountain to a beautiful day, it was perfect skiing weather. The sun was shinning, the snow soft and forgivable, no crowds (it was a weekday). We bypassed the ski lifts and purchased a few hours on the hill. We promptly sat our bottoms on the tube and started up the hill. The first thing I noticed was we were the only adults on the hill without children. The next thing I noticed was there was no slope to the hill, or at least not comparatively. When we arrived at the top of the hill I was ready to go! Sara on the other hand was 10 feet from the edge tip-toeing to see down the hill. I was right on the edge ready to race down. After 5 minutes (or so it seemed) of convincing her it was OK to go down the hill she shuffled a few feet closer and sat down, stuck. I saw this one coming too; she was too far from the actual slope. She slowly started inching (on her butt) her way forward and at this time I thought if she sees me go down and survive she’ll be more confident.

Down I went and it was entertaining, not exciting, not dangerous, and not fast but fun nonetheless, and reluctantly Sara came after me. I went right over and was towed up the hill again, with Sara behind me. She went down a little faster the second time and the third time she proudly announced that she went all the way down with her eyes open that time! By the end of our time, she was trying to spin her tube on the way down, taking a running start and riding down without holding on! She was also throwing snow balls at me; I probably deserved it for teasing her about being a chicken.


  • Sounds like a blast!! (the tubing AND the SHOPPING!)
    I've been water-tubing and sand-tubing numerous times but never been snow-tubing!

    By Blogger chesneygirl, at 12:52 PM  

  • Chesney Girl,

    It was great to have her!

    By Blogger Spin_Doc1, at 5:54 PM  

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