Week Two
Thursday; partial exercise
Friday; 2 apple caramel crisp (homemade) bars and a brownie
Saturday; brownie and a Oreo fudge milkshake
Sunday; complete failure, brownie and a entire bag of Doritos (at a Barbeque)
Monday; brownie and two pieces of chocolate
My weekend exercise was excellent, 5 miles on Sunday and another 4 on Monday. Yesterday I was so hungry, that I had a steak for a snack. That might explain the lack of weight loss this week. I was also very hungry on Sunday too. I made brownies Friday night and hence the brownies showing up every day.
Sunday I attended a barbeque and all the women there were dieting in one form or another. One wouldn’t eat her steak because of the fat and everyone was staying away from the treats. Not one of the guys worried about it and only one guy there had a great body. In fact the men needed to stay away from the “bad” food more than the women. Why don’t men care about their appearance as much as women?
I have heard all the reports saying that men are not judge by their bodies as much as women but I don’t find a man desirable if he has a terrible body. I can’t even imagine dating a fat man. I think I am more critical of a man’s body than I am of mine (seriously it is easier for them so they have no excuse). Perhaps most men just don’t care if women are judging them on their appearance.