A circle has too much symmetry

Sunday, July 31, 2005

If a man can move on the dance floor, then a he can move in the bedroom

Last night the Bavarian, Jean-Marc and I went Salsa dancing to try out my newly acquired dancing skills. The first thing I noticed was an amazing male dancer. I was bewitched by his dancing, and in spite of not being attracted to men that looked like the Latin dancer I found things getting tight low in my body as I watched him. I could not stop thinking about how he must be in bed. I mean if he could move like that on the dance floor, then how does he move in the bedroom? I had heard that saying many times, as all women have, but last night was my first face to face experience with it. I was fantasying about jumping in the sack with a man based solely on his dancing ability. The second thing I noticed was the “herds” of women just waiting for the handful of men that could dance there to dance with them. I use the term “herds” loosely because these women were hot, and on the look out for men to dance with. I myself was on the look out for a man that could dance, not just to make things go tight low in my body but to have fun dancing too.

After these observations last night I realized that I am not superwoman. Here I thought I might have some special power of persuasion, because not only did I convince one of my co-workers to take Salsa dance lessons with me I had convinced four of them to take dance lessons with me. I now know what my co-workers know (which is shocking) that women truly love a man that can dance. And Salsa dance is HOT. It is very romantic and slightly erotic. I will defiantly be signing up for the next session of Salsa dance lessons!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Gedanken Experiments

Today I received an email from Marge, who is one of most amazing women I know. She is a wonderful mother, wife and friend. Yet she is totally miserable because she is not as rich as some of her friends. Would having a million dollars make her happy? Does money buy happiness, or at least the right kind of misery? Would I be totally and completely happy with a lot of money? That is the Gedanken experiment for the week! If I (and you) won the lottery what would I do with the money? I am not talking about a little lottery either I am talking about the “BIG” one. Oh let’s make a list!

Buy a Chanel Purse

Learn to play the piano

Hire a personal trainer

Hire a personal cook

Buy a fabulous house

Vacation around the world

Buy a super cool car

Oh and buys tons of shoes, clothes and jewelry

The list could go on and on, but this is where it gets more difficult. After I shopped myself out (which COULD happen) then what? Do I really want to spend the rest of my life shopping, traveling and eating fabulous food? I do want to do those things but only those things? Do I want more from life? Do I want a family? A career? I think I need to brain storm a little more…..

And what would you do if you won the lottery?

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Not all glass is beautiful, but you are beautiful.

There are many men that come and go in your life. There are the ones that you will hate until your last breath, but whose influence is always there in your life. There are those that you would not mind pushing down a flight of stairs, but when you go home at the end of the day you tend to forget about them. At work, I am surrounded by the kind that I would love to push down the stairs, and bitching about them occupies most of my blog. However today's blog is devoted to an amazing man in my life.

Things I love (and would not change) about a great man in my life.

  1. I can joke and banter with you, without any emotional baggage.
  2. Your lighthearted attitude.
  3. Your fashion sense
  4. You are such a great friend to my friend.
  5. You are smart.
  6. And passionate about learning new things
  7. You have a fabulous body.
  8. You make me laugh
  9. You can be very sensitive
  10. Eyes that sparkle
  11. You drink everything from wine glasses
  12. You introduced me to blogs
  13. You help me with my blog
  14. You are great fun to gossip with
  15. You like to make fun of strangers with me
  16. You can’t go more than a few days without a beer
  17. You would rather metro than drive, which is way cool.
  18. You’re willing to hang out with the freaks and geeks, so I won’t be alone with them.
  19. You do super cool artsy stuff
  20. You have lived in many countries, but seem to make each country you live in your home.
  21. You don’t watch television
  22. You have never eaten at Celine Dion’s restaurant, despite the temptation!
  23. You love very deeply
  24. But you know when to walk away.
  25. Your not afraid to get hurt
  26. But you protect yourself and your pride when you need to.
  27. You know almost everything techie.
  28. You always return my phone calls
  29. You know Simpson’s trivia without having a television
  30. You have a talent for finding obscure cool music
  31. You are super sexy.

Okay the list could go on and on, and I know I have left off a bunch of things. Unfortunately I have to go to the airport right now and can not finish the list. Feel free to add all the thinks I have left off in the comments.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


One of the benefits of being the Queen of the Geeks is that I am like the light in the middle of the night, in the country that attracts insects for hundreds of miles. The insects are all the freaks and geeks that I work with. Last night I went to a salsa dance lesson, and I was accompanied by four of my co-workers, nose guy, hop-hop, the Bavarian and Hugh. I don’t think I could have had a more comical experience if I had gone to a comedy club. It was great! Hop-Hop, who happens to be great athlete, possessed two left feet. He could not dance if his life depended on it. However, Hop-Hop did not want to appear like he could possible fail at anything, so made an extreme effort to move his feet a lot. He was hoping that if he moved his feet enough he would eventually land in the right spot, like dancing might be overcome with the amount of probable step you make. Nose guy was worse. I know as shocking as that might seem, but nose guy was worse. He danced like a soldier that did not know how to count. Fortunately Hugh was fine, having attended a few classes before this one. Lastly, the Bavarian was great. Not a great dancer but a great sport. The Bavarian also has a lot of potential, he picked up the moves very fast, and he could dance to the rhythm of the music. I think I am going to change my BAW, to the Bavarian. We had so much fun, laughing and dancing.

The final highlight of the evening is the rest of the women in the class think I am a superstar. Not only did I convince a man to come to salsa dance class with me I convinced four men to come with me. I was the only woman that brought a man and I brought four men!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I just read an article on http://msn.match.com/msn/ that explained why Casanova was such a famed lover. The article listed the following qualities that made Casanova one of the world’s greatest lovers:

He thought every woman was special.
He loved listening to women talk.
He treasured and respected women as friends.
He lived life to its fullest.

Are you kidding me? Men have known this for years and have ignored it. Or maybe women in Casanova’s time were more selective then women of today. Women of yester year did not tolerate anything less; they insisted that men treat them that way. Is it possible in the progression of thoughts and ideas, women have regressed? Now we are happy with a guy that puts down the toilet seat. How have our expectations fallen so low? Or perhaps I am missing the point, and it is impossible for the average man to do those four little things? It is beyond the ability of the average man to do the four things that are listed in the Casanova article?

Monday, July 18, 2005

Cool Cats

This weekend was full of fun and adventure! Friday night this party girl spent the night (until the wee hours of morning ~ 4 am) with a super cool cat.
We started the night off with the traditional dinner and a movie, and he was a finicky eater (like me) and then we watched a hip and happening (and highly underrated) Aquatic Tale. After the movie we played the tried and true game of how to convince your reluctant partner that it is time to move things into the bedroom. It took ALL my powers of persuasion but I finally convinced the cat (after much effort on my part) that it WAS time to go to the bedroom. I then stayed awake until 4 am watching him sleep. Truthfully I was afraid that I would wake up and he would not be there. I know it is neurotic but I could not let him slip away, and I could not sleep while he was in my bed.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Looking at the Sun

Today I am wearing a new shirt, bought this weekend in my three day shopping marathon. The shirt is super cute. It is a little lower cut than I usually wear at work, and as you can see it shows a lot of skin.

Initially I was feeling slightly uncomfortable in this shirt, but then I realized that the geeks and freaks that I work with are never going to notice. If they notice it will be in the “I can’t believe she is wearing that” way and not the “She is so hot” way. To be fair I did not come up with this on my own, I was just talking to Pixie and I noticed that she was showing a lot of skin, and she always does. I asked her

“Pixie have you ever noticed the men around here checking you out?”

Pixie replied “The only looks I get are the ‘I can’t believe she is wearing that’ looks.”

Now I know that men are not suppose to be caught looking at the sun, but hey guys you need to look every once and while! Women like to feel attractive and noticed especially when we have put a lot of effort into our appearance.

Today I am going to see if I can catch any of the freaks and geeks checking me out, and post the results in the comment section as they become available. I am betting that I don’t post a lot today.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Baby Benedryl

I am a complete and total space case! Do all remember when I was complaining about having no free time because too many house guests? Well in that blog I mentioned that I was going to have another guest soon, in fact tomorrow! I was driving home from dance class last night when I get a call from M. I immediately thought wow I wonder what is wrong, because she only calls me when something is wrong in her life. This is how the phone call went:

“Hi M. Is everything okay?

“Yeah, I just wanted to get directions to your house before I head out tomorrow, because my dad does not have a computer.”

I immediately do the OH SHIT dance in my brain, because it hits me that I am about to have another house guest and I totally forgot the M was coming to DC this weekend. I give her directions and briefly discuss arrival times and such. When the phone call ended I started thinking about all the plans I have made for this week and weekend that I am going to have to alter. Then the real OH SHIT moment hits me, it is not just M. that is coming to visit, it is M. and her son that will be here. I have to toddler proof my house! I do not know how to toddler proof anything. I am not even sure what a toddler can and can not get in to. I do not have the natural mother instinct that some women seem to have. I have NEVER changed a dirty diaper. I have nightmares about being a mother and totally forgetting that I actually have a child. Over the years people have asked me about when I plan on having children, and I always reply the same, “Never.” When I was younger they would smile to themselves and give me that look (you know the one) and they would say:

“Oh just wait until you are older, and then you will change your mind.”

Now that I am older they don’t give me that little smile with that secret look. Now when I reply, never, they look at me like I am an alien (just for the record I am not an alien). So this weekend I will play hostess to M. and her child, I wonder if I should buy some baby Benedryl?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What one misses the other has, but misses something else.

My friend Marge and I have been discussing how unhappy we are lately. During this dialog she sent me the following email

“RE: our ongoing dialog about how life sucks....
so are you not liking the life of the brilliant scientist on the cutting edge of technology? What kind of life would make you happy? (we're talking fantasy world life)
And what kind of life do you think would make ME happy?”

Of course this question got me to seriously thinking about what fantasy life I would wish for Marge. There are the obvious choices, she has had a hard life, for examples; a death of child and major life changing accidents of immediate family members, but realistically given the life she has now what fantasy life would I wish for her starting with the initial conditions I have been given. I have contemplated it a lot over the last two days and I don’t have much. My inability to pick the perfect life for my best friend makes it a little more transparent why I can’t pick the perfect life for myself.

In spite of this, since Marge has given me so much in friendship over the last decade, I am going to put some serious thought into what kind of life would make her happy, and perhaps she will use some of the things I come up with. And just perhaps I will come up with something that I can use too.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Balance and Counter-Balance

I have noticed that I am getting a lot of random hits and I think it is only fair to give the new readers some background about my blog without them having to read the entire thing. This blog is mostly about my work and the living hell that is associated with working here. I do love the work, but the people I work with are less than desirable. I am trying something new with my post today, I am linking to previous posts for further explanation of comments I write

I am sitting in my office today that has been totally rearranged (see furniture). I can now see the hall from my computer desk where before I had my back to the hall. Initially, I positioned my back to the hall for two different reasons; the first one is that I wanted my computer screen facing the hall so I would not be tempted to surf the net the entire work day and second when I am working I did not want to be distracted by people walking in the hall. I am finding that the people walking in the hall are very distracting especially today when the hall is not filled with only freaks and geeks (see wild animals). There is a vender expo at work today and salespeople look so different from my co-workers. It is so different here today that there are actually other women wondering the halls and not just me (see not everything smells like roses).

I have often heard women complain about working in environments that are a majority of the workers are women. I wonder how this is a bad thing. I know (from experience) that working in an all male environment is rough, well maybe if it was in an environment full of Brad Pitt, Johnny Deep and Orlando Bloom, then I would NOT be complaining. In spite of the ideal fantasy work place I think I would rather work with women all day instead of the freaks and geeks that I do work with. The men I work with have a very hard time interacting, communicating and working with everyone around them. Now I am beginning to wonder if it is all men, or is it just that I work in an all male environment. What if my co-workers a were not freaks, perhaps there is just not enough women around to counterbalance the intrinsic weirdness of men?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

House Guests and Furniture

One of the great things about living in Washington DC is every one comes here. However one of the really bad things about Washington DC is everyone comes here during the summer. We are now officially one month into the summer and I have not had my condo to myself for more than a single night in over a month. My current guests leave tomorrow just in time for another set to show up, and my schedule stays just a busy the rest of the summer. I have not had cold cereal or frozen pizza for dinner in a month either. I have spent more time fighting the massive tourist crowds of Washington DC than I would like too. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE house guests, but I am ready for some alone time. I have not been to the gym in two weeks, and I am not going to get any soon. Sigh….

I have not had time to blog, not that this is the most productive way to spend one’s time. In spite of this today I have as much time as I want to blog at work. Why? You might ask…

In the hell hole that I work in, I have maneuvered the system and have received new/used furniture. Then again, my maneuverings were not that simple. The riggers (men who move things) arrived on Wednesday to move my old furniture out of my office, yet I had not received word on when the new furniture would arrive so I sent the riggers away. Thursday the furniture arrived but since my old furniture was still in my office the carpenters left my new furniture in hall. This morning the riggers showed up again and moved my desk, book case and file cabinets out of my office. Now I am without office furniture with the exception of a computer table and thus I can blog all day!! Or at least until the carpenters show up and assemble my state of the art, Lego set furniture. I know it is pretty pathetic, but it is better than the circa 1950s desk I had. Also if last week was any indication of how long I will be without furniture, I should be able to blog for two days!